Friday, October 30, 2009

Gangster Drakes... plus a Flapper

We had so many Halloween parties to go to this year, our costumes are going to be all worn out by the end. This was taken at the Harvest Party at Kaidence's preschool... we were definately the coolest ones there...

The boys are complete with mustaches and $$ arm bands- so cute!

And of course, the carnation... Zach got to choose the color- hence the orange- he is his father's son... this was taken at the church carnival and trunk or treat-- the kids had a blast!

Back at school-- what a happy flapper girl! There was a song on that she thought was just hilarious-- this is a priceless picture.

The first day of dressing up- the church party, I fixed Kaidence's hair in pin curls... never doing that again! Although, it was very authentic looking, we stuck with fingerwaves after that night.